更新日誌: 24 Mai 2019 v2.5.2
- NEW: Added guildtag in search for LIF Godenland
Translations credits:
- Russian: Greenfire & Sayonara
- Portuguese: Pohanto
- French: Movix
更新日誌: 20 mar 2019 v2.5.1
- NEW: Added guild search for LIF Godenland
- NEW: Added guild provinces on LIF GOdenland
更新日誌: 24 feb 2019 v2.5.0
- NEW: Added "Cancel" button when adding or editing a marker,shape or textmarker.
更新日誌: 20 feb 2019 v2.4.6
- NEW: Atlas: Default layers can be managed in the group tabs.
更新日誌: 19 feb 2019 v2.4.5
- NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Godenland: Added Region layer.
- NEW: Atlas: Added island names.
更新日誌: 18 feb 2019 v2.4.4
- NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Godenland: Can now edit group settings to initial show/hide on pageload or completely remove from list: Guild Fiefs,Trade posts, Guilds, Provinces and Fiefs.
更新日誌: 17 feb 2019 v2.4.3
- NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Added Godenland Tradeposts, Guilds, Guildfiefs layers to the map.
更新日誌: 16 feb 2019 v2.4.2
- NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Preperatons for Godenland
- NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Epleland with regions.
更新日誌: 07 feb 2019 v2.4.1
- NEW: ATLAS: Added layer with territories. Changes with server.
- NEW: ATLAS: Displays top Tribes for the global servers.
更新日誌: 05 feb 2019 v2.4.0
- NEW: Extended site with multiple languages.
- NEW: Contact me to help translating into a language.
- TRANSLATIONS: French: Movix
更新日誌: 29 jan 2019 v2.3.1
- NEW: Added logging for Create and Delete markers. Logs can be found in map settings by owner.
- NEW: ATLAS: Added player counts on atlas grid. Updates every 1 minute.
- NEW: ATLAS: Added player count in mousehover information.
- NEW: ATLAS: Chosen server for player count is stored as a cookie.
更新日誌: 29 jan 2019 v2.3.0
- CHANGED: Changed styling of the x/y (lng/lat) indicator so it doesnt resize.
- CHANGED: ATLAS: Also show GRID in mouse indicator where your Mouse is.
- CHANGED: SCUM: Removed visual teleport coordinates change on mousemove. Now just indicates, you need to right click to copy them.
更新日誌: 7 jan 2019 v2.2.3
- NEW: Map owner can now view all deleted markers and restore a marker if needed. Button found in marker list sidetab.
更新日誌: 7 jan 2019 v2.2.2
- NEW: Atlas map: Now displays x and y on top based on your mouse. (Simular to Scum)
- NEW: Atlas map: Show and/or copy x/y on right click.
- NEW: Give in your X/Y in the sidebar to pan ( slide ) your map to the given point and create a ping pulse.
更新日誌: 6 jan 2019 v2.2.1
- CHANGED: Better alligned "icon only" markers to the anchor position: bottom center. This will keep them correctly on the exact spot.
- NEW: Added several custom Atlas maps.
- REQUEST: If you make a map that can be used as a Global layer for all the maps from that game server. Feel free to contact me to convert it to a global layer.
更新日誌: 3 jan 2019 v2.2.0
- NEW: Added whitelist system for maps. Activate it at map settings.
- NEW: Add discord users to the Edit or Read-Only whitelist.
更新日誌: 2 jan 2019 v2.1.2
- NEW: Added Atlas grid.
- FIXED: Fixed icon search for markers.
更新日誌: 25 dec 2018 v2.1.1
- NEW: Redesign of sidebar.
更新日誌: 24 dec 2018 v2.1.0
- NEW: Login system with Discord.
- NEW: Claim your maps with your account. They will be listed in your profile where you can deactivate them if needed. Claim your map at your map setting tab.
- NEW: Map displays discord Ownership so people can contact the map owner on discord if possible.
- PLANNED in FUTURE: Whitelist accounts to be able to edit your map.
- PLANNED in FUTURE: Whitelist accounts so the map will show in their profile aswel.
- SUGGESTIONS: Contact me on discord to provide suggestions.
更新日誌: 11 oct 2018 v2.0.4
- FIXED: Fixed a bug where delete did not work.
- FIXED: Fixed a bug where editing resetted image markers to icon markers.
更新日誌: 03 oct 2018 v2.0.3
- NEW: Added option to not use the raindrop with the marker. This means you can only show the icon or image.
- NEW: Added admin possibility to add images as icons per game. Request your images!
更新日誌: 21 sep 2018 v2.0.2
- NEW: Added scale slider to scale your markers! The slider is on the bottom of the screen and remembers your value when you set it on the same browser.
- NEW: Optimised google search visibility for every game.
更新日誌: 19 sep 2018 v2.0.1
- NEW: Added game and map search on homepage.
更新日誌: 16 sep 2018 v2.0.0
- NEW: Launched platform where every game can have a map. Request your games!
Reorder markers & shapes & text to uncover unclickable area's or markers. Drag a marker with the pink handle. Click the white part to have your map focus on that marker.
- Map markers update every 15 seconds for everyone looking at the map.
- 地圖不會在“添加”或“編輯”模式時更新,以免覆蓋彼此的數據。
- 私人地圖只能通過正確的鏈接來進入編輯頁面,妳可以與其他不需要編輯權限的人分享壹個無法編輯地圖的只讀鏈接
- I'm not affiliated with the SCUM Team.